The horrors of state sponsored violence have filled the news since Russia invaded Ukraine. In the face of such terror and destruction, it is hard to imagine any force more powerful than modern military weapons. Yet Christians around the world are currently observing Holy Week that commemorates the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. While the story of Jesus’ death on the cross is familiar to most people, his commitment and call to nonviolence are often overlooked. Throughout his years of ministry including the last week of his life, Jesus emphasized God’s love for all people and called his followers to love even their enemies. Even while he was being executed on the cross, Jesus prayed for God to forgive the very people who were killing him. The resurrection of Jesus that we celebrate on Easter is God’s vindication of Jesus’ way of nonviolent, self-sacrificial, redemptive love. Easter is victory over violence.
Two thousand years after the first Easter, nonviolent love is still a force that can bring victory over violence. Within the last century nonviolent movements led by Mahatma Gandhi in India and Martin Luther King, Jr. in our nation are vivid examples of the power of nonviolence. The forces of violence exacted a high price in these movements including the assassinations of both leaders. Yet beyond that violence, major change took place in both nations that seemed impossible before those movements. The video posted below illustrates the deep connection between nonviolence and Christian faith in the life and work of Dr. King.
For those of us who follow Jesus today, this Holy Week reminds us of the reality of evil and violence in our world. Yet it also reminds us that the power of God’s nonviolent love embodied in Jesus leads to resurrection and victory over violence both in this life and the life to come. Are we willing to trust in and commit to the nonviolent love of God in our lives, our relationships, our nation, and our world? Now that’s something to celebrate this Easter: Alleluia. Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed!