About Cornelius Corps

Building transforming relationships through a network (Corps) of churches and individuals committed to a shared journey of racial justice/reconciliation and spiritual formation is the focus of a special ministry based in Richmond, VA.

Our name is inspired by the Biblical story of Cornelius and Peter in the book of Acts (10:1 – 11:18).  Through visions given by God, these two men were able to transcend boundaries of race, culture, and privilege by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We believe that God is still calling and empowering us to this journey of racial justice/reconciliation and spiritual formation . 

Cornelius Corps & Rev. Dr. Jim Melson

The Reverend Dr. Jim Melson, an ordained minister in The United Methodist Church, is the Founder and Executive Director of Cornelius Corps. After serving as a pastor of churches in Virginia for 20 years, Jim founded Cornelius Corps in 2001 as a ministry of New Community Church in Washington, DC. New Community Church is part of a network of churches and ministries in DC called The Church of the Saviour. In 2020, Cornelius Corps became its own non-profit organization based in the Richmond, VA area. Our ministry continues through the financial gifts of individuals and churches that support our mission. You can donate to Cornelius Corps by going to the “Donations” page or:

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